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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Zaroque, Aug 5, 2016.

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  1. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. "Does Dawn of Eternity work for MAC?"

    WineHQ is a compatibility program to let Windows applications, like DoE, run and work on MAC computers. Follow the instructions on the website for download and how to use. Please check their Support Section if you are having difficulties.

    2. "I can't download the Installer"

    If you experience this problem, refer to this thread and download the alternative. You could also try disabling your firewall (look up online how to disable your firewall), a lot of the time they falsely flag it up as a virus and block it. We can assure you Dawn of Eternity is virus-free, we have not had one single report on our systems either on Last Moon or DoE.

    3. "Ogre Exceptions"


    This error means that you do not have the correct/update version of DirectX. This support page should help; it lists what versions require what DirectX, how to check what DirectX version you have etc. Any error that mentions DirectX or Direct3D9 requires that you do this. The link is also displayed on the official DoE download page. Once downloaded, run and extract the files - then go to the folder you extracted it to and run DXSETUP.


    Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 from this official Microsoft page and follow the requirements of instalment. Any error that mentions MSVCR10 requires C++ and the link can also be found on the official DoE download page.

    4. "It says I'm logging with my account details incorrectly in-game."

    Wrong username or password

    Accounts on the forums and accounts in-game are linked. Using this person as an example:
    When you sign up on the forum, you have the option to choose an in-game username. For example, their forum username is Bex, but their in-game username (as stated) is Kazul.
    If you make a post on the forum you should be able to see this. Alternatively, go on your profile and press the 'Information' tab, you should then be able to see your in-game username. If this person logs in with the username Bex it won't work. If they log in with their in-game username and forum password it will work.

    So, to cap it off, you log in with your in-game username and forum password. If you've forgotten your in-game username, just follow the instructions listed earlier.
    Remember to activate your account through the activation email, you won't be able to log into the game until you have done that.

    I want to change my username or password
    Press this to change your password. You can find this link located in Characters/Pack/Settings under 'Change your in-game password'.
    Changing your in-game username is not an option available to members, please contact @Myz.
    #1 Zaroque, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2024
    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    Frequently Asked Questions
    (Game Guide)
    1. How do I make maps?

    Dawn of Eternity, unlike most IT servers, has a really simple way of making and editing maps. Please refer to these topics:
    If you are encountering map problems, please make a post in the Map Help & Documentation section or refer to the map FAQ.

    2. How do I make a preset?

    Please refer to this topic located in the Preset Help & Documentation section. If you're experiencing problems, please post a help topic there.
    I want my preset submitted, how do I do it?

    Contact Myz after following these instructions with your Preset. Preset submissions are currently open!

    If your preset turns out white.

    I follow a good diagnosis method. White = coding error. Black and Yellow = texture error. If your preset turns out white, review your preset code and make sure you've not made any silly mistakes like a spelling error. Base it against the code in the 'How to make a preset' and see if you notice any mistakes. If nothing works, post a help topic in Help & Documentation.

    Mane UVs

    Currently there are only Horse and Feline Mane UVs:
    Feline || Horse || Canine (not available)

    3. How do I get Gold?

    You can get gold by completing NPC quests, hunting prey and selling items. Open your inventory (press I) and you will be able to see the amount of gold you have. The amount of gold you get from prey depends on how difficult they are to kill. To sell items, open your inventory and put an item into stash (press it and select stash), then open stash, press and sell it. The amount of gold depends on the rarity of the item.

    4. How do I do quests?

    You need to find an NPC Quest Giver. They have green writing that can be seen from any where in a map. For example, Cross Stitch in Homeland.


    Select it and select a quest that sounds interesting!


    Once you've accepted, it ends up in your Questlog. To open it press L and open up the quest description on how to complete it. Read the description to find out what you have to do and where to go. This quest has the reward of items and not gold. To get rid of a quest you don't want to do by pressing 'Abandon'!


    Can I do some quests more than once?

    Yes! Some quests are repeatable, but currently there are no repeatable quests. You can repeat quest any time you want, it will never disappear from the quest list unless removed my an admin.

    5. How do I use the bank?

    First of all, go in-game and press Actions. Then press 'Bank'.

    You will see an option to deposit Items or Gold into your bank. For example, I deposited a Chicken Drumstick into my Bank and 1210 Gold coins.


    Then log into the Forum and find the Characters/Pack/Setting board and View Bank. Your items/Gold should be stored there! All safe and cosy.

    What if I want to remove things from my bank back to my in-game account?

    Go back to Characters/Pack/Settings and and open Send Mail to yourself. You can then send items or gold to yourself. Go in-game and head over to Homeland (press H then Home for a short-cut!). Hold the Mailbox and slide your mouse over to Check Mail and release.


    You should get a chat notification saying you received your deposited gold/item.

    6. How do I use Game Commands?


    W - Go straight.
    A - Go to the left.
    D - Go to the right.
    S - Go back.

    C - Fly, Open wings.
    Pg Up - Flies upwards.
    Pg Dn - Flies downwards.

    Press Z to sit.
    Press Z again to lie down.
    Press Z again to plop down.
    Press Z to sit.
    Press X to side lay.
    Press X again to lie on your side.
    Press X again to roll over.

    Click Right Ctrl to spin. Press right ctrl again to get the normal walking mode.
    To switch between auto run and auto walk hit Caps Lock.
    Press your spacebar to jump, press spacebar twice to double-jump.

    Hunting Commands and Information

    Prey cannot be found in Homeland!
    Skills: To obtain skills you must kill prey or buy skills from a skill shop with gold coins. Double click a prey animal or hold and slide your mouse to attack. To use skills, press '2' to slide through all your different skills and you can see the amount of them.
    There are different types of skills, some heal and some help kill your prey. e.g. Cure heals, Backflip weakens your prey.

    • Cures and Super Cure are the only heal skills and can be used on your character and your pet. Press 2 until you see Cure and then press yourself until your bar is full, it's exactly the same for your pet. Click them until their bar is full.
    • To use attack skills, press 2 until you see a skill like Backflip. Press your prey and it should weaken them.
    • Tip: Use the f1 camera while hunting, it means you can select your skill and just press any where on the screen for it to work - no need to press yourself or your prey. Healing your pet won't work on the f1 camera. Press f2 to go back to normal.
    Wounded: If you are wounded, you will see a red health bar. To cure yourself, you need to lay down.
    If your pet is wounded, just use cures on them! When they're wounded, they won't help you kill prey.
    Tip: Laying down in water makes the healing process 2x as fast!

    Picking up items: Items can be got either by killing prey or by buying it in shops with gold coins. To pick up an item on the floor double click it or hold your mouse on it and press the Pick up button. By pressing I (Inventory) it will be there. To make room in your inventory, press on an item and press stash, or drop or delete.


    H - Home & dimension (dim) settings.
    B - Character biography.
    N - Friend list/Block list.
    I - Items and stashed items.
    J - Actions and emotes.
    P - Party chat.
    L - Quest Log.
    F - Fighting stance/Neutral stance.

    Pressing tab once removes nametags, pressing tab twice removes the chat and actions tab. Pressing it again restores the screen to normal. Very useful for taking screenshots!

    Camera Mode

    F1 - Useful for hunting and using your collected skills.
    F2 - Normal mode/default mode.
    F3 - Spy mode, perfect for taking screenshots. The camera moves separately from your character, so your character doesn't move.
    F4 - Sees through the eyes of your character.

    Windows: Prt Scr takes screenshots.
    MAC: Command + Shift + 3 or 4 takes screenshots.
    Tip: All screenshots show in the screenshot folder in the Dawn of Eternity folder!

    Map controls

    There is a mini-map on the top left corner of your screen. Hold your cursor over the dots to see their names.

    + = Zoom in.
    - = Zoom out.
    Green dot: Maps
    Yellow Paws: Other players
    Green Paws: Party members, aka the person(s) you're in a party with.

    Chat Controls

    There are Local, General and Party chats.
    Local: People can hear what you say if they are around you (name tags are in viewing distance).
    General: People in the map can hear you regardless of distance.
    Party: People in your party chat can hear you, regardless of distance or in other maps.

    Toggle between them by clicking on their names.

    /friend (username) - e.g. /friend Zaroque adds 'Zaroque' in your friends list (N)
    /party (username) - e.g. /party Zaroque invites Zaroque into a party with you (P), to add someone you must be in the same map and dimension as the user. Once the user is added you can talk in any dimension or map, even if the user(s) aren't there with you!
    /(username): e.g. /Zaroque: (message here), this function is called Whisper or Private Message (PM), it sends the user a private message only seen by them and you in the chat.
    /block (username) e.g. /block Zaroque. This stops you from seeing their characters or messages in the chat.
    Tip: to remove a friend or unblock someone, open up your Friend List/Block List (N) and press their names.
    #2 Zaroque, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  3. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    Working the Pack system:

    6. How do I use the Pack option?

    Go to Characters/Pack/Settings and open the Pack Manager.

    How to make my own Pack?

    Fill in the Create Pack section with a name and explain what your pack is about - is it for roleplay? or just for your friends? e.g.
    Hit create pack. It should be listed under 'Your packs'. Go back to Characters/Pack/Settings and open 'View your characters'. I want the pack to appear on my main character, Amos, so I select him and press 'Invite'.
    Go back to Pack Manager and press accept.
    Yay! When you go in-game you should see this beside your chars name:

    How do I invite other people?

    So here it gets a bit tricky. Each account on the forum has a number, and likewise does your character. For example my account number is 3. How do I know this?
    When I press on my profile page, the URL bar says this:

    This works for characters to. Go to Characters/Packs/Settings then 'View your characters'. For example, my character Amos's number is:

    OK. Let's say I wanted to invite my friend's character into my pack. To do this I need the characters number! Ask the person to private message the URL of their characters information (e.g. http://dawn-of-eternity.com/community/pages/view-char/?char=185 ), or if you're super clever, just ask to tell you their character's number. You can then select one of your own characters and just change the number at the end of the URL to theirs. e.g.
    The persons character number is 1188. I'll go back to Amos's URL and change the 185 at the end to 1188, hit enter, and invite them to my pack.
    #3 Zaroque, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
  4. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    Completed for now!
  5. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    Updated with Horse and Feline UVs for public use.
    Canine is currently unavailable.
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