This is the initialization information the game needs to create the map. It has 6 parameters and they're all required.
- Width of the map
- Length of the map
- The highest point of the terrain. This is what decides how high your highest mountain will be.
- The spawn point when you enter the map. It's the x, y, z coordinates.
- Filename for your terrain mask.
- The image resolution of your heightmap. If your heightmap is 513x513 this should be set to 513. Other possible values are 65, 129, 257, 513, 1025
- Example:
2165 327.7 10
This will apply a texture to your terrain, the first [GroundTexture] added will cover the entire map. You can apply more textures after the first one using a mask to decide the ares it will be applied to.
Textures will be applied and overlap in the order you put them in the world file, it will only check for textures in the first 100 lines of the world file so [GroundTexture]s should ideally be placed right below the [Initialize]
Max 4 GroundTextures can be added.
- Filename for the texture
- (Optional)x,y scale of the texture. Default is 0.1 0.1
- (Optional)Filename for the mask that shows the area the texture will be applied to.
Example of 2 layers.
- Example:
0.03 0.03
This can be used to set up a basic sky, ambient light and time of your map.
- Selects which sky. 0-5, 0 and 5 being the least laggy.
- (Optional)Ambient light, default value is 0.7 0.7 0.7
- (Optional)Locks the time, if you for example want it to always be night. Value: 0-24, sun rises at 5 and sets at 22
Example of a dark map locked to night time.
- Example:
0.1 0.1 0.1
This offers much more control over the sky in your map than [Sky] does, but it's a lot more complicated to use. Note that if you mess with clock in your map without setting the time multiplier 0 the player clients will fall out of sync.
- Filename of the file containing your settings
- Example:
- sky.txt contents:
[Time] //Clock = 12 //Multiplier = 0.0133333 //Sunrise = 5 //Sunset = 22 //MoonPhase = 0 [Atmosphere] AmbientLight = 0.7 0.7 0.7 InnerRadius = 9.77501 OuterRadius = 10.2963 HeightPosition = 0.01 ReyleighMultiplier = 0.0017 MieMultiplier = 0.000675 SunIntensity = 30 WaveLength = 0.57 0.54 0.44 Phase = -0.991 Exposure = 2.5 Samples = 4 [LayeredClouds] Enable = true [VolumetricClouds] Enable = false //Heigt clouds starts and ends at CloudHeight = 2000 6000 CloudAmbientColor = 1 0 0 LightResponse = 1 0 0 0 AmbientFactors = 1 0 0 0 WindSpeed = 800 WindDirection = 30 //Amount of vclouds Humidity = 1 CloudSize = 1
Creates reflective water. Max one per map.
- X,Y,Z position
- Width
- Length
- (Optional)Reflective material, default value is Water/Reflective
- (Optional)Fallback material for those who has water reflection disabled, default value is Water/Default
- Example:
2000 205 2000
Creates a normal plane, can be used for water, lave, ice etc
- X,Y,Z position
- Width
- Length
- (Optional)Material name
- (Optional)Filename if you want it to play a sound
- (Optional)True/False if it should be solid so you can walk on for example ice
- Example:
2000 205 2000
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- Published:
- Nov 14, 2014
- Page Views:
- 4,055