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Offline/Single Player Mode

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SparkleWolf404, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    I woke up with the startling thought this morning, not all IT servers last forever.

    The closing of a game is a tragic thing, I've already lost two of my childhood games (well 3 if you count the shit that happened to Feralheart) and I don't wanna lose DoE forever.

    True the game updates often but it's nowhere near as popular as it's older sibling Last Moon and I fear it might never catch up and Rika's hard work would be wasted. (though this could be fixed if a ton more people started promoting it)

    This is why I suggest an offline version in the event of any chance of the game closing so the game can still be enjoyed by people.
    Not only that but some people might wanna play solo because they are scared of item or prey stealers or just don't like people.

    Am I jumping the gun a bit here? Idk I just am worried I'm going to lose DoE and I don't want that, that and some people might like an offline mode.
  2. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    I don't see us losing doe in the near future
    this game has so much potential and its only in its testing stages, most if not everything has been made from scratch and all the hard work and trouble to create this beautiful game would have gone to waste. we might be small but we're growing strong and that's something I would never change.

    and you can edit titles if you just click on thread tools at the very top of your thread and click on the option "edit title" which is beside the unwatch thread alternative
  3. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Oops, didn't think it let you do that.

    I've just been noticing a cycle

    1. New Player joins.
    2. New Player complains about lack of other players.
    3. New Player quits forever due to this.

    Or worse yet, "Player who wants to join can't due to directX errors"
  4. Snuggypink

    Snuggypink Preset Converter
    Staff Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Well there in lies the problem. People expect games to be filled with other players, but they don't realize that games never start out that way.
    They start off small, and usually lacking since people like communication in order to have fun, and when that isn't met they become bored.
    It takes dedication and a good community to really have people settle in, heck thats why I'm sticking around.
    Sure there may have been maybe 3 people online but that didn't stop me and several others from enjoying it.

    If some one wants to complain how there aren't enough players, they aren't doing the game much justice then by leaving.
    They could help advertise, or try to get along with the people who do play. If they aren't part of the solution, they're part of the problem
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    gosh this is the point i was aiming for, thank you for saying that snugg

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