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Comments on Profile Post by Beautiful DisGrace

  1. Khalia
    Hi, well, it depends on what you'd like to help with. I think Myz said everything important and I can't do it better, but feel free to ask me C:
    Jul 5, 2015
  2. Beautiful DisGrace
    Beautiful DisGrace
    Even if it is important, I have a slow mind and takes time to understand. If you interested, here.join.me/356-459-086 Thanks!
    Jul 5, 2015
  3. Khalia
    Oh.. well, my English is quite bad, I think you should write it :D
    Jul 5, 2015
  4. Beautiful DisGrace
    Beautiful DisGrace
    write what?
    Jul 5, 2015
  5. Khalia
    Well, you'd like my help, so just srite what you need :)
    Jul 5, 2015
  6. Khalia
    Jul 5, 2015
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