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DoE Suggestions/Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Rikutsu, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Rikutsu

    Rikutsu New Member

    Aug 23, 2017
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    Hello! I just started playing this game a few days ago and so far, I find it very enjoyable (for being in its test run state lol). I know that creating something like this takes a lot of time and effort. You guys are doing such a marvelous job! I wish I had some skills that I could offer you, but unfortunately, I'm not good at animating or anything like that. I am, however, pretty good at organization, problem solving and inventing ideas, so here is a list of things that I've thought of for the game. I've been through some of the other threads and plenty of people have some great suggestions, so I will try not to repeat them. Anyway. I hope some of the following inspire the future of DoE!

    1. Grouping - One thing that has gotten my attention is how all three species can join a "pack", and that kind of bothers me, honestly. This is just my opinion, though, so please don't take it the wrong way. I'm a big horse fan (and animal fan in general), so maybe it just bothers me because I'm so used to hearing "herd" for horses. XD Anyway. A group of wolves or dogs is called a pack, yes, but horses form herds or bands (another word is harem) and cats (domestic term) is called a clowder, clutter or glaring. The term pride would work just as well, though, since the cats on here seem to be big cats.

    I'm not sure if the game is meant to treat each species equally as a whole or not, but I think it would be really neat if each species had some things that were different about them. Another thing that I'd love to see is if each species had it's own storyline or main quest to follow in the future. Here are some suggestions that could be unique to each species.

    A. Canines - Most canines are strictly pack animals and would starve and die on their own in the real world. It's plausible that the main quest for playing this animal could be to find and join a pack ASAP, because they wouldn't progress much farther without one. Secondly, howling could come into play in a fun way here. Wolves usually howl to tell other wolves where they are or to call the pack together, so maybe there could be two different howls - one short and one long - that are used for communication in game with other wolf players around them.​

    B. Felines - I don't have any ideas for a main storyline for this species. As far as unique aspects for it, though, I believe that the ability to climb trees and leap great distances would work. A prey animal for them could be fish, as well. Most big cats roar, so that should be exclusive to the feline species in my opinion. Roaring could also be a form of communication specific to felines.​

    C. Equines - The first thing that bothers me about the horses is that they can hunt prey. XD Horses are a fight or flight animal. They're not going to actively attack other animals. And they usually won't attack anything that attacks them; they will run. However, it IS a game and I think it's neat for horses to be able to fight. What I believe should be unique to horses is that they don't fight prey. Instead, they fight their enemies (other horses - NPCs - and predators that can eat them) and anything else that could attack them. Secondly, horses won't survive long alone, so in game, maybe they can only progress so far until they need to join a group. For communication like the canines and felines, horses could whinny. Lastly, I think it'd be cool if they could have a grazing action.​

    2. Maps - The map can be pretty confusing. I've noticed how guides have been written and/or drawn up, and that's great! However, I suggest having some sort of pathfinding option. Especially for quests. Not automatic, no (I know how boring that can get), but perhaps arrows on the ground or an arrow in front of your character that points to where you need to go can be a guide in game.

    3. Stamina/sleep - We all know how many of us love to spend hours upon hours playing games. And to be honest, that isn't healthy. I admit that I've done it many times. And I regret all the times I've spent playing games into the night when I could have been getting my rest so I didn't miss out on family stuff or other things the next day. On top of that, it's not good on your eyes or spine to stay sitting on the computer for so long. It can cause headaches, backaches, weight gain...all that stuff we don't want lol. SO. I suggest that characters have a stamina bar or are required to be sent to sleep for a certain amount of time, depending on their activity level (for example, someone who has been playing for 4 hours could be required to send their character to sleep for an hour and half or 2 hours, and someone who has been on for 8 hours would need 5 or 6 hours of rest time for their character). This way, it encourages players to log off for a little while, get up, stretch, walk around, and maybe spend some time talking to family or friends. I'm not sure how this would be accomplished. If it can't be done by activity level, it could be done in a way that's fair to everyone. A stamina bar would be a good way, and could take maybe 30 minutes to refill or something.

    Alright. I think I've rambled on enough. XD I will stop here for now. If I have any more ideas, I will post them, but I believe that this is all for now. If anything needs to be clarified, expanded on or explained more, please don't hesitate to say so!
  2. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    while i think this is well thought through it has a few things you might want to consider!

    a. not everyone would want to be part of a group, this is a big factor in your suggestion and something not to be taken likely
    i know from personal experience that it can be very difficult being forced into a party which you don't necessarily want to commit to! and with doe we've been given the freedom to decide whether or not we wish to participate with other players

    b. with maps the whole point is for all players to be adventuress, explore different worlds and discover new things!
    as much as maps would benefit us as a whole we wouldn't be having as much fun knowing what and where everything is, rushing into new places gives everyone a more interesting and in-depth experience

    otherwise you've got a good mindset and this was a marvellous read, thank you for sharing your ideas and i look forward to hopefully hearing more from you <3
    #2 muffin, Sep 14, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  3. Rikutsu

    Rikutsu New Member

    Aug 23, 2017
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    That is true that not everyone would want to be apart of a group. I didn't think about that when I was writing this, haha.

    I do agree that having a full map showing where everything is takes away from the realism feel, which is why I suggested a pathfinding option. Basically, players would be able to choose a location and have a guide to get there. Like for example, if you want to find a portal and just can't find it no matter how much you search. I know I'm not the only one who gets turned around and confused easily. XD So it wouldn't be an actual map, but a pathfinder for specific things. Like portals, quest locations, shops, quest givers, etc. It took me forever to figure out that everything was at the TOP of the mountain in the homeland when I made a horse lol. A little arrow that pointed to the quest giver or shop would have been super helpful. At least for me. CX

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll certainly post any more ideas I may have. ^_^
  4. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    yeah, i can see what you mean! <3
    you might want to minimise it as it seems a little complex, just a sign or two getting you back on track might be the way to go about it. considering the fact we do already have a mini map on the top right of our screens that name tag portals and can act as a guide to providing directions
  5. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    You must remember this game is using a dirt old game engine meaning large scale changes like that might be hard.
  6. Rikutsu

    Rikutsu New Member

    Aug 23, 2017
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    I figured that the name tags for locations would help, too, but I still get lost easily. It might just be me. I get lost IRL all the time, lol. I don't think adding a little direction arrow would be TOO hard, but yes, the engine's age does factor in. The creators and animators are doing a great job, though.
  7. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    yeah they made all of this from the original it source and you can't say its not impressive, they've built something unique and eye-catching, you won't find another server like this. all the effort the staff team put in to dawn of eternity is incredible!

    and dont worry about it @Rikutsu, i get lost so easily and i barely know my way around bless :'D <3
    #7 muffin, Sep 16, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  8. Rikutsu

    Rikutsu New Member

    Aug 23, 2017
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    Haha, hopefully one day they'll have an expert team that can make DoE even better than its ever been. There are a lot of MMOs out there, but none with such a unique gameplay. I would love to see DoE advertised online or TV in commercials one day, just Like some of those other Games!
  9. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Well dawn of eternity IS hiring if you know 3D modeling, they might be looking for a spare coder as well.
  10. Waveclaw

    Waveclaw Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    That is great!

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