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Mentaran Society

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by TortDoll, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. TortDoll

    TortDoll New Member

    Jun 12, 2015
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    This group is a social group, there is RPing sessions!
    Mentaran is a society of elemental bending feline that worship 'The Gods'. The Gods bestowed these abilities to three feline in egyption times seeing as the humans seemed to worship them. The Gods had granted the abilities to help keep balance in the world. Darkness, Water, and Earth were the first elements given.


    Extremely cold, snowy

    Member Count

    Current plot is located on FH
    Chapter 1: The Depression

    Current Events
    Moved to FH for the first 1-3 Chapters.
    The Reevers of the Mentaran Kingdom are merciless, taking what they please from their people. Though the people have The Gods at their side, keeping their faith alive while keeping hidden from the Reevers and their men. How will you survive in such a hostile kingdom?

    Current DoE Events
    Chapter 4: Training
    Many felines who have followed 'The Gods' have been granted with the ability of elemental bending - it is up to the chosen 3 to train their new members... this will not be easy.


    To join, please contact Eka-Yaru, TortDoll, or SinCry in-game, there is no online application at the moment.
    In order to join, please keep these requirements in mind...
    : Literate
    : Good activity (We're easy going on this)
    : You may be any big-cat
    General Appearance

    : Feline
    : Marking slot 1 = Realistic feline markings, marking slot 2 must be 53
    : Colors must be realistic
    : Any eyes, any color
    : Any item is fine

    Elemental Appearance
    : Slot 2 markings for the body must be 53, and the color may correspond with your element (Neons accepted)
    : Slot 2 marking for the head, you may not have... 50, 52, 53, 54, or 55.
    : Tail marking can be any
    : New (optional) Crystals may grow in and out of the body, anywhere! It's noted that older Mentaran may have larger crystals. The crystal color is of your first element, mastered elements may or may not show their color(s) on your crystals.
    C // High Council : Leading the members below them, master of all three of their elements, highly respected
    S // Savage : Second commander of The Mentaran Society, acting as an adviser to the High Council, and managing members while the Council members are away
    i, I, II, III // Imperials : The body of the Society, they do the common tasks such as hunting, watching young, guarding, etc. They are still learning the ropes of their element. Bigger felines are expected to do the guarding and fighting, smaller ones are expected to scout, etc, both are expected to hunt.
    V // Vermin: The young of the society, and those who are disabled and cannot perform large tasks such as body-guarding or hunting.
    M // Maggots : The lesser of the Society, anyone can be de-ranked to a Maggot for any reason seen by the Council Members, Savages may not de-rank a member or remove them from the Society.

    Imperial rank explained
    Imperials go through 'Tiers'. Tier I means you have mastered your given element. Tier II means you are beginning to learn your second element. Tier III means you have mastered your main element, perfected your second element, and are now learning (or have perfected) your third element. Your marking colors will still be the same as you may only MASTER one element, which is your first. The 'i' in your tag simply means you are at Tier 0 and are just starting to learn your element. If you wish to stick with only one or two elements, you will be at that element Tier (I or II). Larger feline of the society normally will do the body-guarding, fighting, and so forth, the smaller ones will do things more agility related such as spying, scouting, and herb collecting, both types of felines will hunt. If a small feline wishes to do any sort of messy work - they must fight a larger feline to prove themselves, larger felines must be disabled or have the agility necessary and prove they can handle the tasks of a smaller feline in order to have this option to perform their jobs

    C: May have 2 litters every 2 months, may leave the territory as they please, may remove members from the society
    S: May have 1 litter every 2 months, may leave the territory as they please, may not kick members from the society, may punish members as they see fit
    Imperials: 1 litter every 3 months, may wonder away from den-site but must stay within' the territory and must let Savages or/and High Council know
    Vermin: At times will be allowed to eat first, may not leave den-site or territory without permission
    Maggots: None, eats last
    These creatures are hoards of jewels of all kinds! The common favorite is gold, however, it is known for individuals to favor several other types of jewelries and 'shiny' things, they are also rather possessive of their possessions.. When a new recruit joins, they will begin to experience changes to their body - as they are beginning to learn their given element. They may experience uncontrollable elemental bending (in which case you could even burp up your element!), you will be moody... again, your body is getting use to all of this. Although, once you have mastered your main element, you may move up a Tier, your mood-swings and uncontrollable bending will have subsided.

    Society Life
    It is common for these cats to show high respect to each other and equality, although, some will shower higher ranks with gifts (sometimes even their shinies!), Members will also shower Elders, and nursing feline with gifts, too. Elders are highly valued, as it is believed they have direct contact with The Gods, other than the High Councils, some believe they are given visions, it is also common that Elders begin to learn the ways of healing. Although they are a respectful creature, they can also be greedy, even towards each other, even so, they will stay loyal until' the end.
    1 Yr = 5 Months irl
    1 Month = 2 Weeks irl
    1 Day = 1 day in-game
    These may be a little off, but it's more-or-less supposed to help with birthing and breeding system
    - Anyone removed from the Society will begin to lose their powers, as the 'Gods' have given this power to us to restore, and keep balance in the world, only those of the Society are worthy of this privilege
    - You may have an element that someone already has, it's alright, there are also.. 'odd' elements we allow and have such as 'love'
    - Light and Darkness elements are un-common to have, so be sure to ask if you're interested in those elements in particular

    (c) TortDoll, Eka-Yaru, and SinCry

    Questions, comments, concerns? Post below or message one of us. c:
    #1 TortDoll, Jun 22, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  2. Myz

    Myz Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    That reminds me, i should make a pack section.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. PrinceOfSin

    PrinceOfSin Active Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    [can't join for 3 chapters because I loathe FH very much. This is very interesting, I may also inquire if "small big cats" are allowed (i.e., caracals, servals, ocelots, or sand cats etc.)]

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