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Lighting Engine

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SparkleWolf404, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    I recently saw a video comparing Sonic Adventure to the GameCube port and how they removed the lighting engine and then the person in the video modded the game to add back the lighting engine and damn did it show.

    The game looked so much more crisp and realistic with that lighting engine, the scenery just seemed to feel a lot more real and had more depth.

    It would be cool if Dawn of Eternity had a lighting engine like that, it seems odd how some meshes have fake shadow and lighting on them.

    Of course it might be a huge pain to make it compatible with SkyX but I figure it could make the game look a lot better.

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