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Feathered Wings Tutorial/Help!

Discussion in 'Art & Media' started by PrinceOfSin, Jul 26, 2015.


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  1. PrinceOfSin

    PrinceOfSin Active Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Sooo, I know a few people really love how I draw wings, and I remembered I had done this thing with layers explaining the process!
    I'll explain by colors on the first wing to the left.
    There's a black squiggle line which acts as a base or "line of action" for how it works. Sideways Z's work best.
    The green shapes are where the feathers should be INSIDE or sometimes leak out a bit. Its easy to tell that the main chunk of feathers are given half-circles and the primaries are given an elongated half-oval. (I can't describe that shape)
    The purple color is the first layer of feathers on the wing that I draw. Most of the secondary and other feathers stay about the same length. The primaries do not gradually shift from longest to shortest and meet the other feathers. Its like your hands, almost. Your thumb would be the spiking feather on the joint of the wing's end, pointer finger is the size of the ring finger, your middle finger is the longest, and the others fall into a gradual shrinking size.
    The teal/blue is just the second layer of feathers for more depth. There can be more, but this is just quick and easy tips. The feathers are extremely quick squiggles, as they'll be your friend for these kinds of things.
    • Useful Useful x 1

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