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Changes in the Forum Rules

Discussion in 'News & Information' started by Zaroque, Dec 3, 2016.

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  1. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Hi everyone,

    For a while, users are having trouble finding our forum and game rules. To help every one out, they're located in News & Information (stickied) - click here to read them. Hopefully we'll have a much better location for them (maybe even it's own board or shortcut at the top of the forum). We've currently had a review at some of our rules and, due to popular demand, we've changed the bump/necro rule to just apply to Game and Forum Help sections, Roleplay group topics and trading topics.

    Any members who have had their topics locked before the 03/12/2016 due to bumping will not be unlocked unless by their request. If you are an active member who's topic has been locked and you'd like it open again, either myself or @Hiyorests will be happy to unlock it. It's understandable if you're annoyed, but please remember that we're not here to upset any one! The rule is here to keep the forum clean and stop old content floating around, especially if the user is no longer active (e.g. a trading, roleplay and help topics).

    This is also just a quick reminder for people to make sure you keep on topic and post at least 3 words per post. If you are not familiar with all of our rules, please make sure you read them again here.

    Thank you for complying,
    - DoE Staff
    #1 Zaroque, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
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