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Yet Another One!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mondevu, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Mondevu

    Mondevu New Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Hello, all! ^_^ The name's Mondevu. Or Mon, Mondy, Mond, etc, etc. XD My name is easy to shorten and stack nicknames on. This would be my... wow, my ninth IT-type server that I've joined? And that's not including oIT. One of my friends recommended this server, so I figured I'd give it a shot. It sounds fun, and from what little I've seen of the models so far, it looks like the staff have done a great job! Can't wait to get in there and test it out! :D

    So, since this is introductions, here’s a little about myself, for those of you who may not know me. I have been playing games such as oIT since about version 4. For those of you who don’t know what that means, it means the original Default map was nothing but brown, and even though you had one account, you only had character names to go by, so keeping up with friends was a lot harder. XD Also, more than five people in a map would lag me out horribly.

    I stayed with oIT until it was shut down, and was away just long enough to think Feral Heart wasn’t going to be a thing. Naturally, I was excited when it did come out. But then I heard that there was an IT revival going on. Ever since the first one that I can remember going up (which I have a horrible nickname for that I won’t share, and was run by horrible staff, dooming it to fail), I’ve been a known server-hopper. I’ve only really stayed with a few IT-type serves, those being Sanctum of Eventide up until it closed, Impressive World that I rarely login to anymore, and Dragon’s Den that I play frequently. Now I’m hoping to add Dawn of Eternity to the list. ^_^

    Between my server hopping, I noticed one problem that I’m sure many others in the IT community noticed since the days of oIT. Hunting for prey (and the prey drop rate) was crap. Half of the stuff I never even got to see it was so stupidly rare So, I put together a map for practical reasons: I wanted to see the rest of that prey, dang it. XD I created a map called Hunting Zone. And a lot of people really seemed to like it, so I gained a little bit of fame from it. That being said, I’m selective about where this map goes, just as many people who run servers are. As of right now, there are only two servers where I allow Hunting Zone (or where staff allow Hunting Zone), those being one privately run by a friend, and Impressive World. I doubt it’s going to come here, since there’s a quest system and the like in place, and I don’t want to take away from what the game’s core is supposed to be.

    So for those of you, who already knew about HZ, don’t beg. XD That’s something for you guys to ask the staff if they want it in their game; otherwise I’m not wasting my time on a third copy of it.

    Anyway, that’s been my little footprint in the IT community. I’m excited to play this game, and hope to see you all there! :D
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Great to have you! Welcome to DoE! I Am Muffin, feel free to call me Muffy c; Most peeps do :p Anyways hope i see you in game! and enjoy the fun! :D
  3. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    ello mond (i recognise that username!) and welcome to doe!
    i hope you decide to stay with us, theres still plenty to do in the game and updates to come.

    hope to see you ingame c:
  4. Khalia

    Khalia Member

    Jun 6, 2015
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    Welcome to DoE, enjoy the game, hope I will see you on server soon! :)
  5. Myz

    Myz Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    We don't plan on having the 0.001% drop rates :p

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