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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by SakatzuCat, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. SakatzuCat

    SakatzuCat New Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Sooo an introduction... umm..

    I'm SakatzuCat, but I can be called Sally too. I'm 18-year old artist, an animator and a gamer from Finland in the middle of nowhere. (Sooo English is not my first language, so I apologize for any grammar fails.) I love and draw cats, but I also draw wolves and humans.
    I'm new in here, joined yesterday (the 2nd). I was searching for some new IT-servers to test out. I've played Sanctum of Eventide and Wolf Soul before, which both are awesome games. So then I decided to look at Dawn Of Eternity, because it looked promising.

    And now I want to say something about the game after few hours of playing. This is just my honest opinion. ^^'
    You guys, developers who have been working on this: Damn this is amazing! Obviously this is coded originally from IT, but I love the playable custom models you have made. Same with the markings and the possibilities to change eyes, and many other spots in the character. I how the models aren't the same boring IT-models.
    I have to say that the running animation of the wolf model is a little uhh.. silly. I like that it's custom made, but just saying the running animation looks sometimes a little funny. But it's still good! It's better than the original IT-animation, which isn't bad either.
    The music in this game is great! Although my ears were raped when I opened the game for the first time. DD::: But I love the neutral and still fitting musics for different maps. The music which loops in the menu is kinda awkward, but you get used to it.
    I also really like the quest system you have in the game. The custom items you can get are also really cool! And the fact that you can sell them, is interesting. About that, I also like the currency system. Maybe it's a little too easy to get money atm depending how you get it, but it can be changed too. Not a problem tho. xd
    And the custom animals! The models are really simple and nicely made.
    And omg. Mostly I'm impressed with the maps you've made. Total custom maps and they're just beautiful. Sometimes the trees seem to be a little glitchy when you try to "climb" them, but it's not a problem. The different maps are just gorgeous and each one has a different atmosphere. I really enjoy exploring each one of them.
    One thing is a bummer, and that is that the server is empty. I happened to see one other person in the game but apparently they were afk. Time zones are one reason which I understand, but it's just a little lonely :c And this game isn't enough popular yet(?) because people are atm in those total copies of IT-servers. (Which is fine don't get me wrong) But people need to get know more about this game! There are small things missing or need to be fixed, but overall I am enjoying it and what it has to offer at this moment.
    Keep on developing this game guys!~

    This is my character/fursona Sally, I'm mostly playing as her. I'm probably gonna create other characters later. Also, I'm totally in for some RP!

    See ya in the game!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Howdy Sally~

    If you think the dog animations are silly you should see the horses' animations! They are very silly and I think I heard they were unfinished? Not sure on that but those are some wonky animations, tiger too! X'D

    A fun thing I like to do when no players are on or other players are afk is toying around with map editor, either I make my own map or I just spawn random junk in. Don't worry I asked the staff and everyone I asked said it's okay to do this as long as you don't save over a default map (Not that it matters much because any tampering you do will be reset by each update)
  3. SakatzuCat

    SakatzuCat New Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Oh okay :D I haven't tried the horse model.

    Huh. I've never done that before o.o Sounds cool!
  4. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Hey Sally, sorry for the such late introduction.
    Thank you so much for your opinions and the compliments, it means so much when people take the time to play DoE and really enjoy it.

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