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Pack Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Lotus, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Lotus

    Lotus Member

    Aug 31, 2016
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    So, I have a few idea's that could make packs more useful.


    Certain packs with high member counts (or gold) could have a pack item or marking made specifically for them and separate packs apart by more than the title in characters names.


    Being in a big, classy pack should come with more of a reward than just socializing, I think the members should get a certain increase on their characters. Such as, quicker attacks, or faster running/flying but only by a small percentage.

    Forum Posts In-game:

    The leader or higher ranks of the pack, should be able to post in the forum on their pack/clan page from the game chat box via command or mailbox.


    Packs should have a bank that members can donate to for fun, or to stay united in the pack itself, like a subscription. (No real money ofc) This bank should be allowed to purchase items or rewards exclusively for the pack.

    Public Packs:

    Some packs love members, lots of them.. Inviting people once the game gets popular sounds like hard work, I think some packs should either have the member themselves request to join via notification (forum or game) or, any member can join/leave freely.

    Turning off these ideas:

    A private pack, per say for just general talk, should have the option to turn off the ideas they don't want their pack to receive.

    Let me know your thoughts, thanks for any feedback. ^^

    Please note that your pack may not specifically need/want these ideas, and it's your right to do whatever you like with that pack. #dontwitchhuntme
    #1 Lotus, Sep 4, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. SolBurner

    SolBurner New Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    These sound awesome! This would give a lot of people the incentive to join packs. I think also packs could have banners to place in certain areas of the map, not exactly claiming the map as there but for rp purposes?

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