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DoE Weekend Event 2

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kaze-The-Alien, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Kaze-The-Alien

    Aug 4, 2016
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    In-Game Name:
    Kaze The Alien
    Hello My Fellow Friends. I will first begin to thank you all that have been parting in DoE Weekend Event 1 and hope you all enjoyed it for being the first try. I Have now a little anouncment to make Event 2. or atleast some sneak peeks of what will happen and can you guess next event theme?

    Next event will be hosted the LAST weekend of September. Might do that this events will be the last weekend for each month. EVENTS will be smaller gathering for fun activitys. BUT we will also host DoE Festivals (DoE o' Fest) which will be speciell events for like Halloweenm, Christmas etc.

    For next event we will hold a Xanthos City Race, Alph Race. AND FOR NEW
    team up challange.

    Team Challange
    Team up Challange (needs a name for this. ideas?). You will be splitted in to 2 teams (or more depending on who many want to part in it) you will be given a list on Items to gather. first team to get all items and returns Win.

    We will also host "find the item" event.

    To gather so many items can be ruff challange sometimes. So IF you have over flowing items that you have no use of and could possibly donate for this event would be great. just come and drop it of at me or just keep it to the event.

    THEME Of Event 2!
    during event 2 we will have a speciell theme of the character. but i wont really say what animal we will go for yet! i will give a little info and you can all guess what animal you think it is.

    INFO: "This animal has a very interesting hierarchy where the leader is a female."
    What animal is it?

    Do You Want To Host?
    Do you feel like hosting something during this event? SURE! go a head :D just leave some comment in down below on what you want to host. If there are more then one that have same idea you can host it together or do it a 2 part host like we mix some events so its not the same over and over in a row. NOTE: The STAFF is always WELCOME to Host Speciell events with us
    // Kaze
    Im not looking to control the community.
    I simply wish to connect the peoples with one another and unite the peoples under a banner of unification and friendship.

    Ps. Some of this CAN be changed/added/removed and if you have any question feel free to ask ether here or just send a PM. ​
    • Like Like x 2
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  2. SparkleWolf404

    SparkleWolf404 Active Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    I hope I can make it back from my trip in time, mom said this trip may last a month.
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  3. Patchyfish

    Patchyfish Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Im in Australia, can someone tell me the date and time each month for us Aussies? x)
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  4. Kaze-The-Alien

    Aug 4, 2016
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    In-Game Name:
    Kaze The Alien
    I hope you can make it. The more people there is the funnyer the events get :)

    i will try figure it out.
    lets see.

    last weekend next month is during the date 23th-25th. i live in Central Europe
    and most of my American friends live around 5-6hours behinf my time line. i think Australia is
    about 11 hours before my time. But this is something that is hold the entire weekend.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Aetherna

    Aetherna Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Can't wait for it!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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