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The Horned Rabbit

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Caninelicious, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Caninelicious

    Caninelicious New Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    In-Game Name:



    Acceptable: Cani, Canine, Anine, Ani, K9, DogeBun, BunBun, Nerd whatever else you wanna call me

    Not Acceptable: Can, Ca, CL


    November 2nd, 1993


    ~Timezone (GMT)~
    CST (Central Standard Time) UTC/GMT -6 Hours


    ~Character In-Game~
    Images to Be added In Spoiler Later

    ~Fursona/Character Out-Game~
    Jackalope creature that makes a million different animal sounds and has an obsession with Danny Phantom and Chocolate
    Images to Be added in Spoiler Later

    ~Worn Items In-Game~
    To Be Added

    ~Pet In-Game~
    To Be Added

    Hmm if I had to describe my personality, it would be hella hard. Since I tend to let others tell me how I am. So I'll try to write this the best I can!

    I've been told I'm super nice and laid back, which I agree on the laid back part, not so much on the nice. I like hanging with people and making friends. I love joining hunting parties and sometimes I record them.

    I'm a major goof, and scatterbrain, I make alot of lame jokes and try to get people to laugh. Its the main reason I started making youtube videos.

    Although I seem to be really childish for my age, Im also really calm and can be serious at times when needed. I've ran a few sites of my own, so I've got a bit of experience on how to deal with people.

    If I have a good side, I must also have a bad side. There are days like anyone else has, where I just want to be left alone. Mainly due to not wanting to snap a innoccent bystanders head off.

    Its mainly up to you to decide if you like me or not, Im not gonna rip your head off your soulders if you dont. I'll respectfully keep my distance, as I hope you do to. Unless you're breaking a rule, I might be talking to you.

    Anyways! Lets have fun together!

    -sweets, mostly milk chocolate
    -making friends
    -all the colors
    -stary nights

    -Criminal, unfair people
    -Anything bitter tasting

    -uses Danke for Thank you and Denada for Your Welcome
    -Has a tendency to go afk without warning when sitting in Default, if working on something
    -If i am active in game, and the chat is being flooded, resend the message, i might be able to catch it the second or third time, if not then-
    -If you message me in game, or speak to me in game, if i dont reply in a good amount of time, please message me on the forum, or my Skype if you have it
    -If in Default, keep an eye on me, I might drop free items
    -Is a sucker for cute little things, so if you're small beware
    -Likes cuddle piles, so bring it on!
    -Tends to Screenshot alot but doesnt share them
    -Is the Overlord Nerd, get used to it<3

    ~My Forum Threads~
    Art Thread to be Added

    Screenshot Thread to Be Added

    Preset Thread

    ~Relationship Status~
    Taken by DarkCyril(Legolas)

    ~InterWeb History~
    Oh gosh, I cant remember how old I was when I first started really playing with the internet. I know I joined my first rp site at the age of 14, it was a Warrior Cats fansite thing. After that my love for rp grew and i joined more and more rping sites. I even created and ran my own, i wish i still had them up, so i could show you guys. I was admin/mod on several different sites, under a million different names.

    Then I found my love for art, and began that journey in 2009. I've two inactive da accounts, but really grew in popularity on my Caninelicious account. So the name stuck and ive used for anything and everything ive joined since. I used to be a huge pokemon fanatic, and drew it all the time. Then I created my Canine account, and my love and muse for pokemon and rp deminished greatly.

    I started doing regular gaming like Skyrim, and a few other games. So began my love for gaming.

    Early last year i joined Feralheart to get my rp muse back up, unfortunately the groups i joined didnt last for very long, or i had rl things going on. So my muse never really changed.

    I discovered DreamWolf on youtube, and watching her videos of Wolf Soul I decided to try it out. I joined Wolf Soul last August or so, and been a member up till recently. Had alot of fun and made alot of friends there.

    I joined other IT servers because i fell in love with them, but unfortunately they couldnt hold my attention.

    Other then Wolf Soul, I was playing regular games, and my youtube channel gained some followers.

    I'm also on Imvu, but I rarely get on.

    So now here I am on DoE, so i can begin a whole new journey!

    ~Other Sites You Can Find Me~
    Youtube - Caninelicious
    Deviantart - Caninelicious (Main)
    Weasly - Caninelicious (needs to be updated)
    Furaffinity - Caninelicious (needs to be updated, more for inappropriate art)
    Inkbunny - Caninelicious (needs to be updated, like Furaffinity)
    Twitch - Caninelicious
    Picarto - Caninelicious
    Livestream- to be added
    Dawn of Eternity (IT Server) - Caninelicious
    Elsword (Steam Game) - Caninelicious
    Imvu - Caninelicious
    Skype - CanineBrit93 (if you add me, put From DawnofEternity, and your account name in the message, otherwise you will be blocked)

    #1 Caninelicious, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    great introduction, welcome to DoE! I'm sure you'll love it here, see you around
  3. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Welcome to DoE! It's great to have you here.
  4. Caninelicious

    Caninelicious New Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    In-Game Name:
    thank you! ;u; and i already do :D

    thank you ;u;

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