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DoE Official Lore Masterthread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rika, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. Rika

    Rika Design Lead
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    Dec 16, 2014
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    In the beginning of time, there was a single egg. That egg hatched into two forms that breathed life into the dormant universe, twin gods that held the essence of everything within them. They twisted and curled around in the nothingness, testing out their abilities by creating burning balls of light and scattering them throughout the void, filling it with glittering stars. Then, together, they created a small planet, the place that would be their world, one that they made together. They filled it with vivid plants and diverse animals, though the two began having disagreements on how their world should be made. The twin of white and blue, who would become known as Neshamah, wanted to closely control the development of their world, while the twin of black and red, who would be known as Asmodeus, wanted the world to change on its own.

    The two continued to create their world together though, however, they decided they wanted something to share in their creations, to create beings of intelligence that could appreciate the world they'd crafted. It was here though, that the tensions between the two began to fall apart. The first were the dragons, made in the image of their creators. Neshamah wanted all the dragons to be the same, and to control their every whim. Asmodeus however, disputed this violently, saying there would be no point if their creations didn't have a will of their own, and that every dragon should be completely different. Neshamah argued back that giving them a will and intelligence would be a dangerous combination. The two argued continually, each confrontation growing more hostile than the last. Things reached a peak though with the destruction of Porta.

    Porta had been a beautiful garden created by Neshamah, a lush paradise filled with alabaster pillars, in the center which stood a gorgeous monument of Neshamah's right hand servant, a being known as the Ophani. This place was Neshamah's pride, and where they spent much of their time. One day though, after a particularly volatile argument, Asmodeus finally had enough, and took out their anger on their sibling's haven. The once peaceful waters raged into a torrent, ripping the flowers and greenery from the ground and sweeping them away in a violent wave of thrashing water. The sky darkened as thick, black clouds blotted out the sun's rays. Tremors shook the ground, destroying all of the intricate architecture, reducing much of it to nothing more than rubble. Eventually Porta stood as a mere shadow of the glory that it once held. When Neshamah finally returned and was met with the destruction, they were overcome with a myriad of feelings; sadness, rage, betrayal. Neshamah realized then, that they and their sibling would never truly see eye to eye, and felt that only one of them could gain dominion over this world.

    And thus began the war of Harmony and Chaos.

    Raising armies of their own creations, the two clashed violently and for decades, each battle more tumultuous than the last, and the planet felt the full force of the gods' power. Forests were destroyed, mountains crumbled, rivers were buried. With each battle the land became more and more scarred until it was but a remnant of the beautiful world the two had built together, realizing this, they looked on it with grief and shame. Realizing that the battles would never end, as the two were far too evenly matched, they reached an agreement. They would each select a large section of the world to have for their own, and seal this off from each other and rest of the outside. They would stay in these territories and do with it what they wished, ruling the inhabitants and shaping the lands as they saw fit.

    Meanwhile though, outside of the lands of Harmony and Chaos, the life that remained continued to develop on its own. Species evolved, cities were build, societies were made, all outside of the gods influences. As centuries went by, the gods took notice of this blossoming life, and seeing how much the world had flourished without them interfering at all, made them realize something important. That perhaps, their roles as creators had come to an end, and that maybe it was time to simply sit idly by and watch the world continue to grow, guided only by its inhabitants. And so they broke the seals surrounding their lands, allowing free travel between them and opening them up to the outside world. They bid goodbye to their followers and retreated back into their respective domains, content to watch as the world progressed.
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  2. Rika

    Rika Design Lead
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    Dec 16, 2014
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    Species Information-

    Felines- A proud race that touts themselves as expert craftsman and artists, as their paws are more dexterous than most. For a long time feline communities had a very strict segregation policy among other species, they refused to trade or talk with any other race, thinking themselves to be superior. Eventually though, some members of the feline race protested this, the protests grew and eventually the embargo was abolished completely. Other races welcomed this, as the reputation of the quality of feline-made goods spread throughout the lands quickly. Even now the highest quality jewelry and clothes are often feline made, there's even a saying among other species, "looks so good you'd think a cat made it!".

    Canines- Noble, loyal, and free-spirited, canines are known as skilled warriors and adventurers. Notorious for their curiosity and desire to explore, many a map was drawn by canid paws, and many famous exploration teams were headed and manned by canines. They are also very social, family is everything in canine culture, and betraying your own blood is seen as the highest of offenses.

    Equines- Historically, many equine herds tended to be nomadic, never staying in one place for long and largely living off the land. As they lack the paws and fingers that other species have, modern equines end up having to rely on them for quite a few things, and as such it's very rare to find a village of solely horses, there will usually be a few canines or felines to do things such as construct houses and grow food. In return though, horses use their speed and endurance to transport goods from far away. Because of this, many traveling merchants are equines. There are actually a few modern herds that continue the nomadic traditions of their ancestors, they're usually seen living in simple tents that can be assembled and taken down with ease, moving from grazing ground to grazing ground.

    Dragons- The oldest and most diverse race, dragons have potent innate magical abilities and long lives. Back before Harmony and Chaos were sealed off and the conflict between them was still raging, many dragons chose to side with one god or the other, heading into their respective lands before they were closed off competently. However, there were a few dragons that chose instead to stay out of the war all together and live in the outer lands. Because of this, there are essentially three "types" of dragons, as they've grown and were influenced by their environments. These are often called Chaos, Harmony, and Outland dragons, though as time has gone on the boundaries between these three has blurred greatly.

    Languages of the lands of Eternity-

    Felis, Equis, and Canis- old languages spoken by each of the races, only really used nowadays in remote single species communities.

    Ramble- A language developed in Chaos and its surrounding lands when it was sealed off. Still spoken there today.

    Herald- A language developed in Harmony and its surrounding lands when it was sealed off. Still spoken there today.

    Domus- The most common language, basically everyone knows it.

    Drake- An ancient written form of Domus created by the dragons that lived outside of Harmony and Chaos after they were sealed off, eventually phased out by modern written Domus, but can still be found in various pockets of the world.

    Prey Information(under construction)-

    Kitts- Distantly related to canines, Kitts live in small burrow communities. Their color varies depending on the region they live in, but customs and behavior remain relatively the same. They're very confrontational, and use fighting as a means for literally everything. Only one apple left? Fight for it. A stranger comes to visit? Fight them. Friend you haven't seen for a long time? Fight them. Need to ask your neighbor for sugar? Fight them. When fighting outsiders though, if said outsider impresses the Kitt with their strength, the Kitt will often present them with a bandana displaying their colors on it.

    Crystalings- Once Kitts that settled in the Crystal Marsh, centuries of exposure to the strange crystal's energy turned them into what they are today. Not much about the customs of these creatures are known, aside from the crystal necklaces they give to travelers able to best them in combat.

    Starpuffs- Though they may looks soft and cuddly, if agitated these little critters can deliver a rather nasty headbutt. Their diet consists mainly of the Starflowers that grow in Starfall Valley, and this somehow seems to have caused small versions of the plant to grow on their fur.
    #2 Rika, Aug 8, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
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  3. Rika

    Rika Design Lead
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    Dec 16, 2014
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    annd reserving this one too. ya'll can post and discuss and stuff!
  4. Aranea_Dawn

    Aranea_Dawn New Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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