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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by blyznyuk, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. blyznyuk

    blyznyuk New Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    In-Game Name:
    i'm blyznyuk! i actually have multiple first names, because i love to suffer, but since i don't want to list them all out here, you can call me helena. i'm agender (that's under the transgender umbrella, if you need a broader search term), meaning i don't have any gender at all. tellingly, i use they/them/themself pronouns.

    i was on IT way long ago (a covert >13 year old roleplayer), i left some time after items were implemented? i remember everyone running around in bubbles. i didn't know what shards were, so apparently i have missed some of that Hot Impressive Title technology.

    right now i'm just exploring DoE, excited to see new features. i'm not entirely certain if i'll jump back into RP, but i remember that it was very fun, so it might just depend on any connections i make here. for now im just using it as a 3d chatroom to hang out with my gf.

    i roleplay currently on a Dragon Age forum, where i'm slowly working on some fanon Chasind lore. i love anthropology, so i adore stories with massive social histories and distinctive cultures. on a smaller scale, i love good character writing, and interpersonal dynamics. in short: i love people.

    i'm currently kind of busy offline, but over the next couple weeks i hope to be more active in the community!

    uhhh, feel free to ask me questions! i love answering questions.
    #1 blyznyuk, Feb 4, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Zombie

    Zombie Member

    Dec 3, 2014
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    In-Game Name:
    Haii and welcome to DoE. :D I hope you enjoy yourself here, roleplaying is always fun. I'm always up for a bit of roleplay if you ever want to. uwu Don't hesitate to ask if you need any help; I'll do my best to help. c:
  3. muffin

    muffin Active Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Welcome to DoE!
    And I bet you'll enjoy the small community.

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