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My bug list (To help the game makers)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Rice, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Rice

    Rice New Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Seeing that this game is in Alpha testing, I thought I would make an organized list of glitched I found and update it occasionally to help out the game makers. And I will also be adding even tiny things because that's how testing works o<o also sorry if some of these are actually game mechanics I am just adding what seems like bugs.

    [b]Bug description:[/b]MEEP
    [b]Times it has happened:[/b] MOOP | [b]Type:[/b] MERP
    [b]Screenshots:[/b] MUUP

    Bug description: When I load the character creation screen for a split second there is an out-of-place mess of green pixels in the left top corner.
    Times it has happened: Every time I load the character select screen | Type: Visual
    Screenshots: I will get some soon

    Bug description: The hitbox for bushes, tree leaves and grasses can be really finicky. Because of this, you can get trapped in big patches of bushes or tree canopies.
    Times it has happened: 2-3 | Type: Gameplay
    Screenshots: Getting some

    Bug description: Sometimes, due to my computer, the game crashes when entering a new map (This isn't the glitch, the next part is). I respawn in the map but usually glitch into the ground or a tree. This happened in Sycamore forest when I glitched inside of the hill near the river. I was able to get out easily, though.
    Times it has happened: 2 | Type: Gameplay
    Screenshots: None yet

    Bug description: When I entered Homeland the mailbox was located to the left of where it should have been and was half floating off the cliff.
    Times it has happened: 2 | Type: Visual
    Screenshots: It fixed itself afterwards, but I'll get a screenshot if it happens again

    Bug description: Sometimes while at the ocean when it loads the mobs spawn above the water and slowly float back in.
    Times it has happened: 3 | Type: Visual
    Screenshots: Getting some

    Bug description: I don't know if this is a bug or not but sometimes mobs spawn rates are extremely low. It's kinda weird having so many maps seem so barren.
    Times it has happened: Almost every map that doesn't have kits and bunnies in it | Type: Gameplay
    Screenshots: None

    Bug description: The hitboxes for the buildings in water village are very glitchy. This actually also links into another glitch I found. I once got trapped between the two layers of hitboxes in the rock cave thingy. Thankfully I got a picture that I'll put below as soon as I manage to post it.
    Times it has happened: 10+ | Type: Gameplay
    Screenshots: Getting some

    Bug description: While roaming around the Sycamore forest and found a rock protruding out of the cliff side near the river. When I jumped onto it I glitched inside and was half inside the wall and half in the rock. I was able to get out, but it was really odd since I wasn't even moving around on the rock much.
    Times it has happened: 1 | Type: Gameplay
    Screenshots: Getting one

    (I'll add more as I find more so I don't have to spam this forum with bug report threads)
    #1 Rice, Dec 21, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. n o k k e n r o s e

    n o k k e n r o s e New Member

    Dec 20, 2015
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    n o k k e n
    If I may add one? :

    Bug description: I don't know it this is prevalent for other players, but whenever I earn x amount of gold, and lose connection, all the gold I've earned disappears, even gold from days before. (Also, I'm unable to sell items for gold, as the transactions never go through ;-;)
    Times it has happened: 5-6 times so far | Type: Gameplay
    Screenshots: TBA
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. xMookiex

    xMookiex Member

    Oct 2, 2015
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    gg, these glitches are so glitchy....

  4. Sorry What

    Sorry What New Member

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Wow. Nice job, listing the bugs. This should help a lot.
  5. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Yea, we're aware about the weird spawning in these water maps, especially with Orcas, in mid-air and I'm pretty sure there's very little we can do about that! The reason you get stuck in trees is because - as you probably know - they have collisions (like characters did in LM so you could stand on them), Rika was planning to replace all the trees with collisions to ones with none, especially in Sycamore Forest!
    Pretty sure we all get the first one, might be because we have more lag than other people - but yea, an issue that would be nice solved but not essential!

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