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Undead's suggestionz

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Undeadarmy, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Undeadarmy

    Undeadarmy New Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I've only joined today, so forgive me if I list something that's already planned, been mentioned, or already in game. I'm not expecting any of these to be put into game, and I apologize if some of them seem outrageous.

    -Claws and claw color selection.-
    -Tongue color selection.-
    -Paw pads and paw pad color selection.-
    -Change the gold to Exp (experience points) maybe? I don't know it just makes a little more sense to me.-
    -Possibility of buying more health and damage points with Exp or gold.-
    -Option to sell pets.-
    -In game clock, game has it's own time so it's easier to time events for people who live across the world.-
    -Benefits when joining a group, like double the Exp or gold gained? I don't know I'm a bit iffy about this, I got the idea from Ark survival Evolved. It would add more value to being in a pack, and realistically wolf packs and prides (dunno about horses sorry) help out eachother, providing extra strength, protection and more food than one would alone. Though I have my doubts this is even possible.-
    -If buying more health and attack damage isn't possible than maybe adding this to certain items? Like the bloodied sword could give you 5-10 extra hit points, as for items like the eye bandage it could add 20 health.-
    -Make certain quests replayable after a few days time? Quests like the theif one being replayable after a few in real life days. These shops, etc are located in places these pests spawn so realistically they'll end up with the problem again. Dunno if this would be possible but that would be cool. It could run off of the in game clock so that people can't change their times to fool the game.-
    -Press f (attack stance) to run a bit faster? The actual run feels more like a jog, at least on the canine.-
    -Special skill that bypasses the wounded process? Say you're battling a boss and then you get a lag spike then bam, you're dead and there's no water near you. All you wanna do is just fight but instead you're stuck there for like 2 minutes staring at that bar as it slowly goes down. My proposal is a new skill that's like a max revive (you had to have watched or played pokemon to know what I'm talkin' about.) that bypasses the wounded process and restores you to full health. It could cost probably 600-1000 gold and would only give you like 10 so players can make em count.-
    -Able to name pets, once you purchase a pet you're able to name it and the name will show above it's head, or if you click on it.-
    -Pet growth, we're able to get puppies from the pet shop so instead of them having peter pan syndrome I was wondering if we could have them grow after an amount of days. Again it would run off of an in game clock, and would randomly be replaced with an adult version of the pet you have (aka bigger).-
    -The shop has puppies already for sale, so I thought it would be neat to replace the other adult critters with a baby version of them. You'd only be able to purchase a baby of that animal and you'd have to raise it in order to get the adult version. This plays in with my previous idea.-
    -Dragon/bird eggs, I've always liked the idea of after a random fight with a bird or dragon it could drop an egg that you could hold onto. After an amount of time it'll hatch into a free pet, this plays into the pet growth and in game clock.-
    -Pet leveling, after buying a pet it starts out at level 1. Each battle it can earn just a little Exp. Their damage and health points will go up over time till they reach their cap level. You'll be able to see it's level either above it's head or when you click on it.-
    -Character leveling, I'm pretty sure it's already been mentioned. Sorry bout bringing it up again but I just like the idea. You'd be able to see their level by their name or when you click on them.-

    That's about all I have for now, hope you enjoy my wacky ideas!
    The game is amazing so far and I can't wait to see how it evolves and grows!


    #1 Undeadarmy, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
  2. Karkat_Vantas

    Karkat_Vantas Active Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    i've always loved level systems, but in the tradition of IT servers (I've seen some rejection of the idea that we're an IT server at all) and the fact that it will be another huge pain in the bug-arse when crap goes wrong - and making it in the first place - we haven't included it. but hey, we'll see! pet levelling would be so amazing though.
    we have gold coins because on our sister game, Last Moon, we were the first server to have a currency, shop and quest system and we've kept that tradition in DoE which the users really liked. right now the feeling of Quest/Fighting/Buying/Selling in this game is, in my opinion, a lot less than it is in Last Moon because we haven't sorted out half of the NPCs that we want to do, you might feel that later on you won't need the quests to be re-playable in a couple of weeks because there will be a lot more and, likely, replacement quests after a certain period of time.
    for the dragon/bird egg idea, what will probably be more manageable is that you cash in a dropped special egg to purchase a dragon pet/bird pet in a shop. for the growing idea, the only thing we'd do for the puppies (because we didn't make the models) is that we just up them in size and no way will they look like adult dogs, same goes for any other baby pet we'd do - a lot of work making models!

    great ideas though, really hope we have a second look at the levelling system.

  4. Undeadarmy

    Undeadarmy New Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Alright, thanks for the reply and I'm glad you liked the ideas!

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