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Mane Priority - New ones or fixed old ones? & Feline Model

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by RakshaWw, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. RakshaWw

    RakshaWw Co-Owner

    Nov 2, 2014
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    All of the manes without textures have bad UVs that need fixing (basically means they're useless for presets & can't have textures). That won't take long but stupid me lost the files for half of them so they (including the side fringe one) will need to be remade. Should I remake the lost ones first or are they good enough for now and I'll focus on new ones? I want to do new ones but it may be more beneficial to get the old ones dusted off. Sucks because I really liked that side fringe mane and idk where it's gone >:C

    The Feline model is based off of a tiger, not a lion, that's probably why I see a lot of people saying it looks very wrong. Tigers are more bulky than lions, their body is fat while their legs are short compared to lions.
    There are a lot of fixes it needs, I put this together, and hoping to edit it to be more realistic (or generally more pleasing looking) in future (SINCE RIKA DOESN'T LIKE TO TOUCH THE PLAYABLES :C).
    I'd appreciate it if artists would take a screenshot of the feline side view and sketch over it to give an idea of what you think it needs to look better.
    I think the Equine model is fine (maybe just needs slight face edits) and the Canine could use a longer body.
  2. Myskie

    Myskie New Member

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Yes to all of this! My personal opinion with the manes (very sorry if this is offensive but I'm being as honest as I can) Is that they lack a sort of 'fluffy' quality to them. Many of them feel very flat and even with fixed textures and a better UV layer I feel the modeling itself is the actual issue here. The eyecover mane looks rather awkward, like a few strands of hair were just placed on the side of the animals head and the way it's attached looks rather wonky. The mop manes or rather the manes that look more layered are not spared from this either, though I do agree that the side front mane is the best looking of the bunch. My best advice would be to scrap the current manes, maybe with the exception of the side tuft and start fresh! As for the felines, I'm not an artist by any mean so I can't post any concept art, but the majority of the gripe with it came from the face looking very...smooshed more or less?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Zombie

    Zombie Member

    Dec 3, 2014
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    Ah; I agree with the feline model maybe needing some tweaking. I really like the canine and equine models though.

    As for the manes; I feel it may be best to just work on some new ones- and maybe keep the old ones for anyone that enjoys them. The side fringe on is lovely. But I feel any new ones modeled may need a different approach then the others. The ones we have currently look like you tried to mesh out individual pieces of hair and smash them as one mesh.Which wouldn't be bad for manes like a mohawk or styled similar. But it makes any others look a little off. I really like how most manes on IT servers (and FH) have the manes as a solid mesh with some strands or other things sticking out. Maybe have it where it looks like some of the manes will line up nicely with the back/neck tufts (which some more of htose would be lovely too)

    But I agree with Myskie, some more 'fluffy' manes would be lovely. With more volume to them.

    Please make some 'scene' (I know that sounds odd) styled manes and one similar to the one on LM/other IT servers. ((This one). And I'll love you forever. uwu

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