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Last Activity:
Oct 26, 2024
Nov 1, 2014
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Staff Member
Myz was last seen:
Oct 26, 2024
    1. Shiniku CT [F]
      Shiniku CT [F]
      can you delete this account please
    2. easy
      I need my account deleted. Like, ASAP. Its an emergency.
    3. KV417
      Guys, I think Myz is MIA. It says he hasn't been seen since August 2019.
    4. Temidite
      can i have this account (both ingtame and on forums) deleted please? tysm
    5. wolfboymax1
      its not letting me play. it keeps saying that the username/ password is invalid. i swear i typed it right
    6. blooddrunk
      please delete my forum and game account thank you
    7. Lord of flies
      Lord of flies
      Can you please delete my game and forum account? I'm not playing anymore and I don't like to leave inactive, dead accounts behind. Thank you!
    8. KaraTheFangirl
      Hello! Could you please delete both my account here and in-game? Thanks!
    9. Suuuuuuurii
      When I tried to log into my account it said I had a invalid username/password. And I did verify my account with the email,please help me
    10. Maya Dujmovic
      Maya Dujmovic
      Can you delete my account here please.
    11. ShybeDawg
      (continued) It doesnt bother me that i wont have them, but im just telling you along with others to watch out for him, here is his user Bookerk
      -Thank you
      Sincerely, Shybe
    12. ShybeDawg
      (continued) But he soon started asking me for my other passwords and users for other games, somehow he had hacked into my account and took them back after i explained i would not give him any of my accounts
    13. ShybeDawg
      hello, i need some help on this. Currently about a few weeks ago, one of my newer "Friends" had gave me hell wings
    14. Av3rY
      Hello Myz! I was wondering if you could please delete my account, Av3rY, as I want to create an account with a different username. Thank you very much!
    15. Camashi1
      Hey, I was just wanting to remind you that my birthday on the forum is wrong, my real birthday is: September 27th 2002, and I'm 14 years old. Thank you.
    16. Maya Dujmovic
      Maya Dujmovic
      Myz Ive searched for you, to tell you that i sent you a message on KITO.
    17. Csas.Chan
      Hello,I made this acc a long time ago.I Opend The game And wanted To log in.But it shows everytime Password username Not correct like dis.But i reseted my password . Bit it wont log me in it
    18. Lemonay
      Hello, I made this account today, but I completely forgot that I already had one that I made a longer time ago, and I was wondering if you could delete the other account (username is mayly) because I know it's against the rules to have two accounts. If it's needed, I can provide proof that it is indeed my account (I still have access to it).
    19. Smoke
      Hi, um.. I was wandering if I can get my account deleted on here and in-game? Or maybe just a username change?I haven't been on here in a long time and I don't even know my in-game username. Would be happy to make a new one.
    20. DiamondLionGhoastToastXD
      Hello, I would like to delete my account as I wish to make a new one for a new username. I heard that you can delete accounts. Shall you help me?
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