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Game & Forum Rules

Discussion in 'News & Information' started by Rika, Jun 5, 2015.

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  1. Rika

    Rika Design Lead
    Staff Member Co-Owner Developer

    Dec 16, 2014
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    In-Game Name:

    Game Rules

    1. English only in the main chats. Private or party chats can be in whatever language you want, this rule is to prevent the main chats from being overrun by posts in a language only one or two people present can read.

    2. No harassment of any kind. Swears or slurs directed at another player in a derogatory manner are strictly prohibited, offenders may be banned without warning. We want Dawn of Eternity to be a safe place for people to play. Racist/sexist/homophobic/ect. comments of any kind will not be tolerated. Likewise, drama mongering is prohibited.

    3. No SPAM. This means posting stupid, annoying and pointless messages. This can include: full posts, filling the chat purposely with all their text, posts aimed at annoying people etc. Please screenshot any of this behaviour and send privately to a member of staff on the forum.

    3. No sexual content or inappropriate names. No making any unnecessary sexual comments or gestures towards other players, or sexual jokes or conversations. Any player found with an inappropriate name will have that character, or account, deleted without warning. If you have questions about what constitutes "inappropriate", ask a staff member to clarify.

    4. No altering game files. While you may make texture mods to items and prey, you cannot edit the games files in any way that affects play. You cannot make prey or items spawn in custom maps.

    5. No mini modding. If you see another player break the rules, please report it to a staff member straight away and do not attempt to take matters into your own hands.

    6. No claiming admin spawned prey or items. Admin spawned prey or items are for everyone to enjoy, you cannot claim or tame any admin spawns. Violators may have their items or pet removed.

    7. No impersonating staff or other players. You cannot use the name of a staff member or other player with the intent of impersonating them, violators will have their characters deleted and issued a temporary ban. Repeat offenders may be banned permanently.

    8. Do not beg. No following people around begging for gold or items, or bugging staff to spawn things for you.

    9. No stealing items or prey. Do not start attacking prey that someone else has already started fighting, even if that person is wounded and recovering, you may not swoop in and steal the prey that they've weakened. Do not steal items from prey drops either, even if the prey was killed high up and the player who killed it is still on their way down.

    10. One account per person. Every user is allowed only one account, no creating multiple accounts to cheat non-repeatable quests. If you have a family member or someone who lives in your house that plays and shares an IP address, please let staff know. If you want to change usernames you have to contact staff.

    11. No players under 13. In compliance with the COPA, anyone found being under the age limit will be banned until they turn 13.

    12. No scamming. Anyone found scamming other players for items or gold will be banned on the spot.
    #1 Rika, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2015
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  2. Zaroque

    Staff Member Developer

    Nov 1, 2014
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    In-Game Name:

    Forum Rules

    1. English only. This is an english speaking game, please make sure you only speak in english here on the forum. If you do not speak english please translate your text.

    2. Do not post reports publicly. Reports of a persons behaviour is a strictly private issue and for their personal privacy we request you contact a member of staff (private message/'conversation') and not publicly shame.

    3. Do not double post/SPAM. This means posting successively in a row without waiting for someone to respond first. Please wait until someone responds before you post again. Double posting will result in your posts being merged, a warning and possible suspension from your account.
    SPAM (Stupid Annoying Pointless Messages) is likewise prohibited, this covers: full-caps posts, single-worded posts (the limit is 3), nonsense posts etc.

    4. Do not necro/bump threads. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO THE GAME HELP/FORUM HELP SECTIONS, ROLEPLAY TOPICS, TRADING TOPICS, NEWS THREADS AND INTRODUCTION TOPICS. This means reviving an old thread. Any thread that is 4 or more months old is not to be posted on again. If you do not know how to check when a a thread/post was last posted, please ask a member of staff to help you. Reviving old threads will result in it being locked, a warning and possible suspension from your account.

    5. Signature images must be within the 600 (width) x 200 (height) px limit. There is also a limit of one image per signature.

    6. No harassment of any kind. Swears or slurs directed at another player in a derogatory manner are strictly prohibited, offenders may be banned without warning and the post(s)/topic(s) removed. We want Dawn of Eternity to be a safe place for people to play. Racist/sexist/homophobic/ect. comments of any kind will not be tolerated. Likewise, drama mongering is prohibited. If you are being bullied/harassed by a member please contact a member of staff!

    7. No sexual content or inappropriate names. No posting images with sexual content, or sexual jokes or conversations. Respectful behavior and attitudes are expected from everybody. Any account found with an inappropriate username will be deleted and the IP possibly banned, likewise with sexual content.

    8. No mini modding. If you see a topic/post/private message which breaches these rules, you must report/flag it and the appropriate member of staff will handle the situation - please do not take matters into your own hands.

    9. One account per person. Every user is allowed only one account. If you have a family member or someone who lives in your house that plays and shares an IP address, please let staff know.

    10. No players under 13. In compliance with the COPA, anyone found being under the age limit will be banned until they turn 13.

    It is recommended by the staff that every user in-game has signed up on the forum as well! You really don't want to miss out on any of the updates. Even if you don't speak it makes life easier for everyone to get in touch with you when you're offline!
    #2 Zaroque, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
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    • Agree Agree x 1
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